shornet's Wish List

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Hard Puzzle 2 : The Cow, The Stool and Other Animals, by Ade McT
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

On the farm, after The Event, things have gotten more complicated than they ought to be. A silly little Speed-IF. But can you solve it? Hall of Fame: CMG Deboriole

Hard Puzzle 3 : Origins, by Ade McT
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

It's not fair. First day on the new job, and it looks like the end of the world is happening. A silly little Speed-IF. But can you solve it? Hall of Fame: CMG Deboriole

Heist, by Andy Phillips
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Your unloved uncle has died. At his funeral, you are given a curious note from him, asking you to finish his dream for him. But what is it he wants you to do? One thing is clear: it won't be easy. The choice...
Heroes, by Sean Barrett
Average member rating: (29 ratings)
"A most traditional CRPG experience." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]
Heroine's Mantle, by Andy Phillips
Average member rating: (16 ratings)
Hexed Adventure, by Matt Gruskin and Alex Rosenthal
A browser-based text adventure game written for the 2017 MIT Mystery Hunt. It's a complete, self-contained game: you are an adventurer exploring an island of four kingdoms and completing various quests....
Hezarin, by Alex Shipp and Steve Tinney
Average member rating: (1 rating)

The Hobbit, by Philip Mitchell and Veronika Megler
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

The Horror of Rylvania, by D. A. Leary
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

"What you expected would be a fun outing in scenic Rylvania turns into a gruesome nightmare, with *you* playing the starring role. Find out what it's like to be alternately the source and challenger of evil...

Illuminismo Iniziato, by Michael J. Coyne
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Lovingly handcrafted in Inform6, this overripe sequel to Risorgimento Represso is full of cheese, gunpowder, chemistry and explosions (well, only a little chemistry). Includes automap, sounds and graphical...

Ingrid's Back, by Pete Austin, Peter McBride, Godfrey Dowson, Graham Jones
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Jasper Quickbuck, insider-dealing lord of Ridley's Manor, plots to steamroller the gnome-belt for yuppie housing. To the gnomes' horror, accident-prone Ingrid Bottomlow, just escaped from her "holiday" in...

Inside Woman, by Andy Phillips
Average member rating: (17 ratings)

Utopia Technologies. Industrial giant, economic powerhouse, the world's greatest scientific superpower, and the organisation most responsible for eroding civil liberties and personal freedoms. They're an...

Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson
Average member rating: (84 ratings)

New Year's Eve, 1999, a quarter to midnight and where else to be but Century Park! Fireworks cascade across the sky, your stomach rumbles uneasily, music and lasers howl across the parkland... Not exactly...

Knight Orc, by Pete Austin
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Knight Orc casts you as an oppressed orc in a magical world where all is not as it first seems. For generations humans have been persecuting orcs, and now it's time to get your own back. A fantasy adventure...

L: A Mathemagical Adventure, by members of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics co-ordinated by Richard Phillips, and including Derek Ball, Tony Corbett, David Rooke, Heather Scott, Alan Shaw, Margaret Stevens, Ruth Townsend, Jo Waddingham, Roger Waddingham, John Warwick, Alan Wigley, John Wood, and David Wooldridge.
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

It is a very hot day. You are sitting on the grass outside a crumbling palace. Your sister is reading a book called Fractions and the Four Rules — 5000 Carefully Graded Problems. You are bored and the heat...

Last Days of Doom, by Peter D. Killworth
Average member rating: (1 rating)

The Legend Lives!, by David Baggett
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

"A new chapter in the history of Unnkulia and the Valley unfolds. Find out what life is like on planet Tode (home to Unnkulia and the Valley) and the rest of the Unnkulian Universe 500 years after UU1....
The Light: Shelby's Addendum, by Colm McCarthy
Average member rating: (8 ratings)
You play as Maurice L. Shelby, a laboratory apprentice employed by Commission Research Station 12B. The station is rather important: it houses one of several beacons placed around the world that generate the...

Little Blue Men, by Michael S. Gentry
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

This game is a joke. This game is a warning. This game is a satire. This game is inspired in equal parts by Vaclav Havel's "The Memorandum" and Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". This...

Lords of Time, by Sue Gazzard and Ian Buxton
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A band of evil timelords are plotting to alter world history, and Father Time has chosen you to help stop them. This requires 9 symbolic objects from critical times in history. Chill to the ice-age, find the...

The Lost Children [1997 PAW version], by Larry Horsfield
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are Duke Alaric Blackmoon and since your return from the Marienburg Fortress (see "The Fortress of Fear"), you have settled down to a more peaceful life as Duke of the duchy of Charlton in the kingdom of...

Lost New York, by Neil deMause
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

"They say you can never get to know the true New York as a tourist -- but this is going to turn out to be no ordinary vacation. What you thought would be a quick jaunt to the usual tourist traps instead...
The Lurking Horror II: The Lurkening, by Ryan Veeder
Average member rating: (27 ratings)
An unauthorized sequel to the Infocom classic, written for the 2018 MIT Mystery Hunt.

Lydia's Heart, by Jim Aikin
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

"Lydia's Heart" is a large, complex game with a serious tone and seven or eight NPCs you can converse with. The genre is low-key horror: There's almost no actual blood, but there are several ways to die in a...

The Magic Toyshop, by Gareth Rees
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

A one-location game in which you play a series of puzzles against a shopkeeper in order to get a present. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

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