A New Day

by Jonathan Fry

Mystery, Science Fiction

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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Clearly, A New Day wants to position itself in the avant-garde of IF and explore fictional levels in the manner of experimental modern fiction. This is certainly a worthwhile project (and one that has been touched upon by many games including A Mind Forever Voyaging, Piece of Mind, and Bureaucracy), and New Day manages to break some intriguing ground along the way. However, the game is by no means an unqualified success. The author overuses one off-the-wall prose technique in one section of the game, a little of which would have gone a long way. Also, I found the puzzles often to be counterintuitive and confusing. Finally, the game gives the impression of having bitten off a bit more than it can chew. I found myself wondering if the author had carefully thought through all the semantics and implications of the levels he imagines -- by the end it all seems a bit of a muddle. Still, A New Day has some shining moments, and the author is right to think that it's a significant step up from Stargazer. I look forward to the continued maturation of Jonathan Fry's artistic voice.

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