Onirim's Wish List

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Map, by Ade McT
Average member rating: (33 ratings)

The house is growing. Or perhaps it's you who is shrinking. And with all this extra space is coming....time. Time enough, maybe, to make some changes.

Masquerade, by Kathleen M. Fischer
Average member rating: (36 ratings)

"You walk purposefully down the sidewalk, looking neither left nor right. You don't need to look; you can tell you are being watched from whispers overheard as you pass by. "Poor Amelia..." you hear somebody...

maybe make some change, by Aaron A. Reed
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

Inspired by the Maywand district killings in Afghanistan, 'maybe make some change' explores a frozen battlefield moment from six violently conflicting perspectives.

Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis, by One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard
Average member rating: (33 ratings)

Stiffy Makane, or rather his ancestor Mentula Macanus, is here subjected to an increasingly-unlikely series of crudely sexual romps through the ancient world. It's sort of like the Satyricon, except not...

Mere Anarchy, by Bruno Dias
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

“The box is cardboard, a file box; it looks like it should contain years of tax returns. Except the holes on the sides have been shut with black masking tape. Except the lid is held in place with the same...

Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (130 ratings)

You wake to stillness. The hammering, banging, and shouting that kept you awake half the night are gone. The air is cold, and something smells burnt. Your master's experiments must be finished, but with what...

The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet, by Graham Nelson (as Angela M. Horns)
Average member rating: (51 ratings)

Another day wasted as guest of the Empress, a wretchedly long tour of the breath-taking Boreal Falls, conducted as ever by the Lady Amilia. As if she weren't bad enough, an honour guard of soldiers, their...

Midnight. Swordfight., by Chandler Groover
Average member rating: (79 ratings)

A fool receives a challenge from a countess. Violence. Sex. Profanity. Sausage.

A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (116 ratings)

"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not..." --Shakespeare It's 2031. The world is on the brink of chaos. In the United States of North America, spiraling...

Moments Out of Time, by L. Ross Raszewski
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

"Note: requires a Z6-capable interpreter, preferably with Blorb sound support." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]

Moon-Shaped, by Jason Ermer
Average member rating: (37 ratings)

In this game partly inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, you play as Rosalind Wechsler, a girl on the cusp of her 13th birthday. What begins as a trip to Grandmother's house in the woods leads to disturbing...

The Moonlit Tower, by Yoon Ha Lee
Average member rating: (62 ratings)

The Mulldoon Legacy, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (45 ratings)
"In the event of my disappearance, my legacy shall not be distributed until every room in my museum has been searched in case I can be located." --Last Will and Testament, E. Mulldoon.
The Mulldoon Murders, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (12 ratings)

Muse: An Autumn Romance, by Christopher Huang
Average member rating: (35 ratings)

Early September, 1886. Autumn. The Victorian Era. The Rev. Dawson, 59, is off to the Continent and an unexpected Romance... [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

My Angel, by Jon Ingold
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

"I wake peacefully, and already she is there." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]

my father's long, long legs, by michael lutz
Average member rating: (143 ratings)

A weird tale. Some parts make use of sound, so this game is best played with headphones. One ending.

Narcolepsy, by Adam Cadre
Average member rating: (62 ratings)

A New Life, by A O Muniz
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Nightfall, by Eric Eve
Average member rating: (61 ratings)

The Enemy is expected to arrive at any moment. Staying behind is either the stupidest or the bravest thing you've ever done. Only one thing - or one person - could have made you stay. So now there's nothing...

No Time To Squeal, by Mike Sousa and Robb Sherwin
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

"He thought he saw a pantomime That queried his own deal: He looked again, and found it was A ticket to a meal. He thought he saw infanticide Per chance to make it real. 'I have but one regret,' he said:...

Ollie Ollie Oxen Free, by Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." - Jimmy Carter
Olvido Mortal, by Andrés Viedma Peláez
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Once and Future, by G. Kevin Wilson
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

One Eye Open, by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel) and Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating: (46 ratings)

Had you known the bloody history of Corona Labs, you would never have signed up as a test subject. But now, plunged into that history, surrounded by the damned and the dying, you must find the truth. Perhaps...

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