The worst IF ever? - an IFDB Poll

by theqbasicwizard
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I'm wanting to do an episode for the podcast that deals with only the worst possible IF games ever programmed? You know the kind that if you would have played it for another minute longer, that you would have never played another IF ever again. The type of game that just angers you and makes you wonder why you even wasted the time playing it?

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The Incredible Erotic Adventures of Stiffy Makane, by Mark Ryan
4 votes
"A Horrible Classic on All Levels" [+]"A Horrible Classic on All Levels" --Hanon Ondricek... "Godawful, and throws in a bit of gruesome misogyny at the end for no apparent reason." [+]"Godawful, and throws in a bit of gruesome misogyny at the end for no apparent reason." --Pinstripe... ""Detective"..." [+]""Detective" DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE." () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Lance Cirone...

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The Lighthouse, by Eric Hickman and Nathan Chung
3 votes
"Pretty much its only saving grace is that it's short" [+]"Pretty much its only saving grace is that it's short" --Molly... "Find keys in plain sight, open doors. Game over." [+]"Find keys in plain sight, open doors. Game over." ( - Full review) --dosgamer... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --streever...

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The Lift, by Colin Capurso
3 votes
"Instadeath, one sentence descriptions, and porn and tissues." [+]"Instadeath, one sentence descriptions, and porn and tissues." --Hanon Ondricek... "Shotgun the Ghost! (a real alternative)" [+]"Shotgun the Ghost! (a real alternative): No atmosphere, no personality, four weapons, four doors, some combinations are correct, some are not correct. Inane, insane addition of porn tissue for no purpose." () --dosgamer... "Trivia: the..." [+]"Trivia: the tissue part was suggested as a joke" ( - Full review) --Andrew Schultz...

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Dracula's Underground Crypt, by Alex Whitington
2 votes
"Infuriatingly bad" [+]"Infuriatingly bad: The kind of game where the writing is okay, it just falls to PIECES when it comes to implementation. Sadly you see a lot of these in the Comp." ( - Full review) --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Lance Cirone...

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Toiletworld, by Chet Rocketfrak
2 votes
"Essentially a low-effort troll game." [+]"Essentially a low-effort troll game." ( - Full review) --AKheon... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Lance Cirone...

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The Absolute Worst IF Game in History, by Dean Menezes
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Harry Coburn... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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Detective, by Matt Barringer
1 vote
"Come on, now, how can we not have the grandmaster?" [+]"Come on, now, how can we not have the grandmaster?" --Pinstripe...

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Vestiges, by Josephine Wynter
1 vote
"Another really bad Comp game" [+]"Another really bad Comp game: Note that only the updated version is beatable." () --Molly...

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Ghost of the Fireflies, by Paul Allen Panks
1 vote
"Because we need at least one Paul Allen Panks game here" [+]"Because we need at least one Paul Allen Panks game here" --Molly...

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Fog Convict, by Andrew Metzger
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ...

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Jarod's Journey, by Tim Emmerich
1 vote
"Poorly thought out Christian propaganda" [+]"Poorly thought out Christian propaganda" () --Molly...

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The Fat Lardo and the Rubber Ducky, by Anonymous
1 vote
"Well written and implemented, but abusive for what reason?" [+]"Well written and implemented, but abusive for what reason?" --Hanon Ondricek...

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Cattus Atrox, by David Cornelson
1 vote
"For no reason, a psycho sets a pack of hungry lions chasing after you in a suburb." [+]"For no reason, a psycho sets a pack of hungry lions chasing after you in a suburb.: This is a weird and unusual premise, but it's ruined by a long and unclued maze. I didn't play long enough to hit the other ridiculous things detailed in reviews." --Hanon Ondricek...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):