PCs with mental disabilities other than depression and anxiety - an IFDB Poll

by pieartsy
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Games with PCs that have mental disabilities aside from depression or anxiety - PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Bipolar, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, dyslexia, etc - that significantly impact them/the story. The PC does not need an official realistic diagnosis - these can be allegorical, heavily implied, or fantastical portrayals - but they should be central to the game. Both "Good and nuanced" and "horribly ableist" portrayals are welcome. (ableist tags are added for visibility)

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Violet, by Jeremy Freese
2 votes
"not confirmed but i super interpret this as about someone with ADHD" [+]"not confirmed but i super interpret this as about someone with ADHD" () --pieartsy... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Vulturous...

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Will Not Let Me Go, by Stephen Granade
2 votes
"depicts a man with alzheimers" [+]"depicts a man with alzheimers" () --pieartsy... "Extremely well written." [+]"Extremely well written." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Schizoidia, by Bob the Developer
2 votes
"This game is an..." [+]"This game is an odd one to explain. It is kind of like a simulator... I guess. The gameplay is highly clinical and vague at the same time. You'll just have to play it to see what I mean. The PC is diagnosed with a combination of mental conditions. Yes, depression and anxiety are included, but there is more than that. It is a qualified game for this poll." --Kinetic Mouse Car... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Tobias 2000...

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Repeat the Ending, by Drew Cook
2 votes
"The main..." [+]"The main character is a bipolar I with severe behavioral issues. He also suffers crippling anxiety and has a history of substance abuse. Childhood trauma rounds out the list." --Drew Cook... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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You Couldn't Have Done That, by Ann Hugo
2 votes
"Autism Spectrum..." [+]"Autism Spectrum Disorder" ( - Full review) --deathbytroggles... "Does a nice job..." [+]"Does a nice job in putting you into the protagonist's shoes as you navigate the workplace with autism. Especially when part of the workplace turns hostile. " --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
1 vote
"depicts schizophrenia from a fantastical lens" [+]"depicts schizophrenia from a fantastical lens" () --pieartsy...

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The Light in the Forest, by Emily Worm
1 vote
"adhd" [+]"adhd" () --Jaded Pangolin...

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The Hidden King, by Dcsross
1 vote
"Explores..." [+]"Explores lycanthropy within the context of a mental health crisis where the protagonist is hospitalized due to psychosis. He believes himself to be a wolf. Note that this is NOT a fantasy game, but one with an unreliable narrator." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Take the Dog Out, by ell
1 vote
"As you say about Violet, this isn't explicitly a game about a person with ADHD trying to carry out a task, but that's how I read it." [+]"As you say about Violet, this isn't explicitly a game about a person with ADHD trying to carry out a task, but that's how I read it." () --EJ...

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Escape your psychosis, by Georg Buchrucker
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Tabitha / alyshkalia...

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we, the remainder, by Charm Cochran
1 vote
"The protagonist..." [+]"The protagonist has CPTSD and DID. Full disclosure: this is my own work." --OverThinking...

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The 4th Break Up, by Papp Róbert
1 vote
"Accompanying..." [+]"Accompanying readme says game mentions "GAD: General Anxiety Disorder, OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, DID: Dissociative Personality Disorder, MDD: Major Depressive Disorder"." --JTN...

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Tough Beans, by Sara Dee
1 vote
"Unexpected, but..." [+]"Unexpected, but still relevant to the poll, even if it does not seem like a "mental health" game like "Hana Feels." Anyway, the protagonist here, named Wendy, has dyslexia which is revealed near the start of the game. It can be easy to miss. The passage goes as follows:

"Two years ago, you were a junior in college, struggling to keep your grades up. You were barely getting by, in fact, weighed down by your dyslexia and a growing sense of hopelessness. The university's policy called for professors to make provisions for students with learning disabilities but for most that just translated to giving you a few extra minutes on your exams, a few less pages to read between classes."

While the game is not solely "about" her dyslexia, you can see the subtle challenges throughout the game as she attempts to manage the chaos of daily life placed on top of it." () --Kinetic Mouse Car

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fix it, by Lily Boughton
1 vote
"ocd" [+]"ocd" () --Jaded Pangolin...

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Vesp, by Porpentine
1 vote
"delusions and paranoia (maybe, unless)" [+]"delusions and paranoia (maybe, unless)" --pieartsy...

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Varicella, by Adam Cadre
1 vote
"I think Primo..." [+]"I think Primo just might have narcissistic personality disorder." --deathbytroggles...

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SPY INTRIGUE, by furkle
1 vote
"Gately's..." [+]"Gately's encephelopathy. At least, that's the diagnosis that the protagonist receives after their parents have them tested for psychological reasons. Not sure if the entire diagnosis is real, but "encephelopathy" is a genuine disorder of the brain. The protagonist also experiences things like paranoia along with depression and anxiety." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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