Tookie's Song

by Jessica Knoch

Alien Visitation

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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 5
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

[T]his game has plenty of charming and wonderful assets of its own to recommend it. First of all, and still my favorite, are the altered library messages. I hereby nominate the following for Comp02's most delightful response to X ME: "You are, and I say this in all honesty, as good-looking as you have ever been."... Unfortunately, I can't praise the coding uniformly, because I encountered a number of problems during my time with the game... Happily, the author seems quite dedicated to collecting bug reports, so I feel fairly confident that there will be post-comp releases that take care of these problems. Once those bugfixes are complete, I would recommend TOOKiE'S SONG without hesitation.

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