Spring Thing 2020

Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new experiments.

Entries can be nominated for an overall Best In Show ribbon, or a custom Audience Award that can be anything the nominator likes: from “Best Story” to “Favorite Twine” to “Cutest Vampires.”

News & updates (RSS)


Series: Spring Thing

Official Web site: https://www.springthing.net/2020/index.html

Organizer(s): Aaron A. Reed profile

Award date: May 3, 2020

Games and Awards

Main Festival

Main Festival games can be nominated for "ribbons," state fair style.

Back Garden

Back Garden games don't participate in voting and prizes, but have looser restrictions on entry.

Update History

v.6: 23-Jul-2020 17:15 - Denk (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed list of games
v.5: 24-May-2020 13:40 - magic sympathy
Changed divisions, list of games
v.4: 4-Apr-2020 10:43 - CMG
Changed list of games
v.3: 4-Apr-2020 10:42 - CMG
Changed list of games
 v.2: 4-Apr-2020 10:38 - CMG
Changed divisions
v.1: 4-Apr-2020 10:37 - CMG
Created page