Spring Thing 2020

Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, focuses on bringing together new text games of all kinds: choice-based stories, gamebooks, hypertext fictions, visual novels, text adventures, narrative roguelikes, and wild new experiments.

Entries can be nominated for an overall Best In Show ribbon, or a custom Audience Award that can be anything the nominator likes: from “Best Story” to “Favorite Twine” to “Cutest Vampires.”

News & updates (RSS)


Series: Spring Thing

Official Web site: https://www.springthing.net/2020/index.html

Organizer(s): Aaron A. Reed profile

Award date: May 3, 2020

Games and Awards

Update History

v.6: 23-Jul-2020 17:15 - Denk (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed list of games
v.5: 24-May-2020 13:40 - magic sympathy
Changed divisions, list of games
v.4: 4-Apr-2020 10:43 - CMG
Changed list of games
v.3: 4-Apr-2020 10:42 - CMG
Changed list of games
v.2: 4-Apr-2020 10:38 - CMG
Changed divisions
 v.1: 4-Apr-2020 10:37 - CMG
Created page