
Member since October 3, 2019
Last visited October 15, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): yv2ch5cng9y9na5y

Find me @DCTaggart

Interactive Fiction by dtaggart919

Choose your own end to the viking world, by Declan Taggart (2019)
(1 rating)
You are a seer. The god Odin is your latest customer. Based on the choices you make about the events of his life, you will decide the way the world ends. Can you avoid Ragnarok? Does Odin deserve...

Recommended Lists by dtaggart919

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Polls by dtaggart919

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Reviews by dtaggart919

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dtaggart919's Played Games List

Sorcery! 4, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Sorcery! 3, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Sorcery! 2, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Sorcery!, by Steve Jackson and inkle
Beneath Floes, by Bravemule; Pinnguaq

See all 7 entries in the Played List