
Results for tag:Softworks AGT competition 1992
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17 results found

Shades of Gray

, by Mark Baker, Steve Bauman, Belisana, Mike Laskey, Judith Pintar, Cindy Yans, and Hercules (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992
(7 ratings)

The Caves of Dyanty

, by Nathan Fritz (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992
(2 ratings)

Cliff Diver 2: Purchased Sight Unseen

, by Patrick Farley (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992
(1 rating)

Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory

, by Melody Grandy (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

Space Aliens Laughed at my Cardigan

, by Andre M. Boyle (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992
(2 ratings)

The Lady in Green

, by D. F. Stone (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992
(1 rating)

A Journey into Xanth

, by Neil Sorenson (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

Oklib's Revenge

, by Sue Medley (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

Quest for the Black Pearl

, by Ralph W. Varble (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

Reruns Again

, by Neil Sorenson (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

The Detective

, by Kit W. Carson (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

The Murder of Jane Kranz

, by Christian Andersen (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

The Tempest

, by David R. Grigg (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

TimeSquared Chapter One: Centroplis

, by Bert Lee (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

What Personal Computer?

, by John Minson (1990)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

What? No Low-Alcohol Mineral Water?!

, by Andre M. Boyle (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992

Wraith Blaster

, by Ken Dibble (1992)
Tags matched: Softworks AGT competition 1992