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Choice: Texas

by Carly Kocurek and Allyson Whipple


Web Site

About the Story

Choice: Texas is an educational interactive fiction game addressing reproductive healthcare access in the state of Texas. Play as one of five Texas women attempting to navigate the state's reproductive healthcare system. Although billed as interactive fiction, Choice: Texas is based on extensive research into healthcare access, legal restrictions, geography, and demographics, and is reflective of the real circumstances facing women in the state.

Game Details

Off-Site Reviews

Paste Magazine
"Choice: Texas seems unlikely to revolutionize videogames even though it has more to say than most of them. Since going live on May 14, this text-based game about abortion has received very little attention despite numerous 2013 press announcements, including a Christian Post headline that said the game would “encourage” players to get abortions (in the game). Perhaps the game’s lack of self-important and divisive politics has turned some people off — it’s nowhere near as controversial as predicted. In a gaming world where the shock tactics of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and The Walking Dead translate to phony relevance, Choice: Texas is respectfully profound.

Political animals of all stripes might be disappointed when they find that their generalizations about abortion and women aren’t confirmed in Choice: Texas. In the vein of the underrated 9.03m, Choice: Texas avoids both advocacy and insensitivity. More universal than a political manifesto, the game is a reminder that humans are defined by their response to struggle. Choice: Texas emphasizes that a pregnant woman’s decision — as well as the responses of family and friends — is guided by conflicting emotions, practical concerns, and spiritual questioning, not by the philosophical ramblings of loudmouths in the U.S. abortion debate."
See the full review

Emily Short's Interactive Storytelling

As fiction, “Choice: Texas” sometimes works well — the story of Leah, the assault victim, contains some awful scenes in which she is unable to confront her attacker directly, and in general her experience is treated in a way that is quietly horrifying but not sensationalizing or leering. Several of the side characters are also well sketched. Sam, Leah’s take-charge sister, comes off as competent, a bit pushy, but ultimately also necessary to Leah. Eric, Alex’s irresponsible teenage boyfriend, is thoroughly punchable. Etc.

But sometimes the story is a bit too obviously about Example Women rather than fully-fleshed-out characters, or goes for a generic Tell rather than Show.
See the full review

Page Update History

v.4: 16-May-2015 18:17 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
  v.3: 16-May-2015 18:17 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.2: 30-Dec-2014 11:53 - Joshua Houk
Changed publication date
v.1: 30-Dec-2014 11:33 - sparklebliss
Created page