Shattered Memory

by Andrés Viedma Peláez (as 'Akbarr')


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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

There are probably people for whom mangled syntax, crippled spelling, and broken grammar don't ruin a game, but I don't think I'll ever be one of them. In my opinion, if you're not fluent in the language you're using, you must have someone who is fluent proofread your game before you release it. You must fix all the errors that person finds, no matter how many there are. You wouldn't expect a publisher to disseminate a novel, short story, or essay written so poorly, so why is it reasonable to expect gamers to enjoy a game with equally weak English? It's basic logic: if an IF game is equal parts prose and programming, both must be bug-free before the game can be any good.

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