Lunatix - The Insanity Circle

by Mike Snyder profile

Surreal , Slice of Life

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Baf's Guide

You're a doctor in charge of an insane asylum, but the inmates have rebelled, and you're trying to get out. Inoffensive, on the whole; the main drawback is that the parser is built from scratch, and it isn't up to the standard set by the Inform or TADS parsers, though it's certainly a lot better than many home-brewed parsers. Also features graphics--few of them particularly stunning, but, again, quite good for a home-brew job. On the other hand, in at least a few situations, the graphics are potentially misleading, so don't rely on them too much. The puzzles aren't especially creative, but they're not bad either, and the writing is mostly competent. A better-than-average example of a programmed-from-scratch game.

-- Duncan Stevens

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