Fort Aegea

by Francesco Bova

Episode 2 of Jewel of Knowledge

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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 3
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Most of the game is really fun -- it has several good puzzles and action sequences, a nice propulsive plot, and some surprising and well-drawn details. In addition, the game employs spellcasting, which is a kick -- there are lots of moments that measure up to anything in Enchanter, and the spells have the added virtue of being particularly well-suited to the character and thus helping to further define her. The game felt quite well-tested and proofread to me -- I found a few syntactical errors here and there, and maybe one or two bugs, but on the other side there are a number of rather complicated effects that the game produces with admirable smoothness.

Oh, and lest I forget, Fort Aegea has some of the most gorgeous feelies I've ever seen with an amateur game, hand-drawn maps that positively exude Tolkien. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Dungeons-and-Dragons-influenced fantasy IF, especially games in the Enchanter vein.

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