A Journey into Xanth

by Neil Sorenson

Fantasy, Literary

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Baf's Guide

An original story set in the magic land created by novelist Piers Anthony. Rather heavy on the noninteractive exposition and surprisingly light on the pun content - Mr. Sorensen seems more fascinated by the "magical talents" aspect of Xanth, and makes them central to the plot. Follows the proven Xanth format of a perilous journey (in this case, a jaunt across the Gap to Castle Roogna), at the end of which things are solved without much effort. Game mechanics suffer from typical early-AGT flaws - most special cases only work properly in the one situation where they have to. Food is a factor. Requires learning by death. Probably largely more accurate than Legend's Companions of Xanth, but less enjoyable for a non-fan like myself. I'll give it this much: It's a lot shorter than the novels.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

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