
by David S. Glasser

Collegiate, Science Fiction

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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

The game's near-future milieu was reasonably interesting (though rather cliched), but it felt like a thin science-fictional sheen over what is basically a very simple college game -- fix your computer and print out your paper to bring it to class.

As such, VirtuaTech isn't bad. It's short, easy, and inoffensive. There is some entertainment to be had from solving the game's puzzles and exploring its limited geography, but it doesn't deliver much in the way of excitement or thrills. The puzzles are mainly a matter of putting the right key in the right lock, and finding numbers to type on a variety of keypads. The game's one slightly more interesting puzzle (opening the portal) I solved just by noodling rather than through any kind of inductive reasoning, so I wasn't able to experience the pleasure of any great flash of insight.

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