The Worm in Paradise

by Mike Austin, Nick Austin, Pete Austin, and James Horsler

Episode 3 of Silicon Dreams
Science Fiction

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Sinclair User

"The central area of the city is filled with dream parks, theme parks and places for fantasy and escape. Look a little closer as you travel the expressways and pedways of the dome ... is all that there just to keep you quiet? Why do armed citizens patrol the streets? Why do the police arrest earnest socialists outside the memorial to the Third World War? Why do the papers you buy all attack the government? Something is happening but you don't know what it is. Yet.

In the early stages of the adventure you wilt probably concentrate more on trying to find your way around the city than on politics. As your chrono-tattoo buzzes the time for curfew you may begin to wonder where you live amongst the other few million dwellers and suspect that there are other sectors to find, even tunnels beneath the city. Rumour has it that there are huge intelligent moles roaming those places and you've heard warnings of aliens and flying saucers ...

Ah yes, Enoch in Eden is a fine place to be as long as you don't get the itch to pry or complain. The Level 9 team has packed the considerable amount they know about adventure programming into The Worm in Paradise - and that's quite a lot."

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