A Day for Soft Food

by Tod Levi

Slice of life

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Number of Reviews: 5
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

A disturbingly high percentage of the puzzles felt like members of the "guess-what-I'm-thinking" genre. I'm willing to concede that perhaps I wasn't in a properly feline state of mind for them, and certainly I'll admit that I'm not the world's greatest puzzle solver, but I don't think that's sufficient to explain the problem. I think they're just way too hard, and that the writing isn't specific enough to give the player all the nudges necessary to solve them. It's a good lesson in puzzle design though -- if lots of players experience the same frustration I did, Soft Food will give designers an example of what to avoid in gonzo puzzle-crafting. I may even be able to use the lesson myself. See, I have a great idea for the 2000 comp: you play this pet goldfish...

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