A Day for Soft Food

by Tod Levi

Slice of life

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Baf's Guide

Following in the footsteps--pawprints?--of Ralph and A Bear's Night Out, A Day for Soft Food gives you the persona of a housecat. Your Provider is sick, and you're trying to get him out of bed and convince him to feed you canned rather than dry cat food. Charmingly, amusingly done, with lots of little cattish details attended to, though there are a few moments where you push the limits of a cat's capabilities somewhat, and your motivations eventually change in ways that didn't happen in Ralph or Bear's Night Out. There are some bugs and writing problems, but not enough to significantly detract from the playing experience--and there are lots of Easter eggs that make the game worth replaying. Some difficult puzzles, but on the whole this is charming and rewarding. Includes a hint menu.

-- Duncan Stevens

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