Perdition's Flames

by Michael J. Roberts profile

Afterlife, Haunted House, Satire

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Number of Reviews: 4
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Baf's Guide

Hell has been modernized, with bureaucracy and tacky suburban housing replacing the traditional fire and brimstone. As a newly departed soul, you get to explore this wonderland and perhaps seek a way out. Wide-ranging settings, some hellish, some not, some taking subtle advantage of the fact that you're dead. Very puzzlish puzzles (including simple logic problems), with good re-use of puzzle elements. Lots of hidden objects, with some inconsistency about finding them - "examine x" will sometimes find things that "search x" will not. Impossible to die (for obvious reasons) or otherwise make the game unwinnable, unless you're unlucky enough to hit a bug involving some randomized values.

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

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