
by Anonymous


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"Polearn is essentially an interactive ghost story, and the written text is excellent - convincing and occasionally disturbing. The manual sets out no objectives for the adventure, it just explains the events leading to Marcus's arrival at Polearn. His wife died in a plane crash and, after seeing a vision of her in church, his trip to the village is really to recover from the shock.

However, as Marcus settles in, strange and inexplicable things occur. He hears sobbing, but there's no-one there; there's an accident at the mine-shaft for which there is no logical explanation; and then the mysterious fisherman... Before he realises it the village is in uproar, and he's the only one to sort it out.

Nothing is obvious in the game, it just happens - like real life. You are lead into its events very subtly, not knowing what horrors await you until you realise you have turned Psychic Detective!"

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