
Member since November 21, 2011
Last visited October 10, 2020
Profile ID (TUID): qaacyglhfn7z8rxs

I'm an Italian fan of interactive fiction. Since I was a kid I've played tons of text adventures, in Italian and in English. I love good old classics such as Acheton, Zork, Castle, Countdown to Doom, Guild of Thieves, Emerald Isle, The Pawn, Wishbringer, with hundreds of rooms to map. In Italy we haven't games so big and complicated, but I liked very much the adventures of Bonaventura Di Bello, quite small, but very well planned and with amazing stories and characters. Talking about the 'modern era' of Internet, I've appreciated the Italian works of Gabriele Lazzara, Tommaso Caldarola, Marco Innocenti, Paolo Lucchesi, Francesco Cordella, Mariano Sassi, Flavio G. and those of Andrew Plotkin, Adam Cadre, Michael Gentry, Emily Short and many other less famous English mother-tongue authors.

Recommended Lists by Gyrev

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Polls by Gyrev

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Reviews by Gyrev

ANDROMEDA 1983, by Marco Innocenti   December 8, 2015
"Amazing setting for an exciting story and a bunch of not-so-easy puzzles. It gave me fun and kept me busy more than I expected. The..." - See the full review

Gyrev's Play Lists

Played Games

ANDROMEDA 1983, by Marco Innocenti
Marika the Offering, by revgiblet
Schizo, by Tommaso Caldarola
Uno zombie a Deadville, by Tommaso Caldarola
Flamel, by Francesco Cordella

See all 9 entries in the Played List

Wish List

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"Not Interested" List

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