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最后的颂歌, by Meriya Molin


杰杰狐历险记, by 辟茧

柳树街侦探社, by Poppel Yang
Average member rating: (1 rating)
1998年深秋。 那一年你二十六七岁,之前算是正儿八经地蹉跎了几年,整个人混得是事业不上不下,感情模棱两可,生活勉强自理。两年前跟几个哥们儿一顿折腾,开起来个私家侦探社,算是你这辈子干的最久的一个活计。 开这侦探社,也就是勉强维生。虽说挂名是“侦探社”,可跟你一开始想的一点都不一样,从没接过什么惊天动地的大案要案,顶多就是寻寻人、找找地,顺便帮你二姐跟踪一下总出去鬼混的二姐夫。 对了,还有就是时不时得帮你那忙着做大买卖的大姐照看她的宝贝儿子。

汉初, by 郝景芳 (Jingfang Hao)
Average member rating: (1 rating)

《汉初》是由2016年雨果奖Best Novelette的获奖作者撰写的。 她是第一個贏得雨果獎的中國女性。 这是郝景芳的第一部互动小说,是中国着名作家写的第一部互动小说。 ...

爱丽丝的早晨, by BobAlice

祖昆达的传说, by Meriya Molin


科伦坡至新加坡, by Meg Jayanth

Translation of a scene from 80 Days. Translator: Chlokers
荒岛故事, by 我已经放弃了起名

虎姑婆文字冒險遊戲 | Grandaunt Tigress: A Chinese Text Adventure, by IFforL2

我媽媽已經去照顧我的爸爸。 他和些鄰居被隻貓弄傷了。不只是貓:又巨大又燃燒著。沒有人見過這樣的野獸。事實證明,它逃出了*國姓爺*王本人的寵物妖怪展覽。 國王看到我們殺了他的母老虎,並沒有因此而責罵我們,才是因為我們沒有提供香火,值錢或任何朝拜。如果個無名人死了之後就變成飢餓的幽靈,我們還不應該懼怕幽靈老虎嗎? 從那天起,我們的邨莊被命名為「打貓」。

表参道アドベンチャー | Omotesandou Adventure, by 高橋直穂 (Suguho Takahashi)
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Japan's first text adventure. It was released along with the April 1982 issue of the Monthly ASCII magazine. The dump list of the game was also posted on the magazine.

诗歌地图, by 柯林

不会只有着一个故事,也不会没有故事,但所有的故事,都是从这里开始的。 这里是诗歌地图

谐恶力量 puncrime, by alpacanist

, by 白银诗

迷雾中 | Into the Haze, by Olle Linge and Kevin Bullaughey

Your intrepid protagonist lives in a post-apocalyptic world outside a largely abandoned Chinese city. You must adventure into the city, which is covered in a poisonous haze to rescue your brother who has...

镜中人, by Meriya Molin

雪山案件, by 昂首辉

霍桑探案集 貓兒眼, by 程小青 and IFforL2

This is the first attempt I'm aware of at creating a parser-based interactive fiction in the Chinese language. It's a direct adaptation of the novel by 程小青. I'd be particularly grateful if any of the...

ᕁ᙮ᕁᕽᕽ CozmoPets ᕽᕽᕁ᙮ᕁ, by groggydog
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

FIVE hundred words or less (as part of the Neo Twiny Jam) FOUR pets to care for THREE unique endings TWO pre-pet stages (egg and slime) ONE cosmically good time (Click the TM button to restart the game.)...

, by Pat Scott
Average member rating: (1 rating)

a textless text-based choose-your-own adventure

κρύο, by Adam Bredenberg
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

You're trapped on a flying island but you don't really mind. Made for LocusJam.

♥Arachne♥, by fractoluminous
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

It's about weaving, stories, hacking, magic & gender.

♥girl things♥, by jaystarry
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

♥girl things♥ is a game about you, a trans wlw, and your friend lily being able to finally hang out & spend time together. cw: mentions of dysphoria and parental unacceptance ♥gt♥ is supposed to be a small,...

♥Magical Makeover♥, by S. Woodson
Average member rating: (61 ratings)

"You hold in your hand a pink, heart-shaped card daubed in rosewater and oil of jasmine — an invitation to the Princess Philantha's Grand Equinox Ball. In gilded, sweeping, sweet-smelling calligraphy, the...

'EE's Lost His Marbles, by James L. Matthews

An old man searches for his marbles.

'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus, by Victor Gijsbers
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

They shot you in the leg, the sheriff or one of his men, but you still managed to get away. You always manage to get away. And while they're off pursuing you to, who knows, perhaps Colorado, you have quietly...

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