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by John H Doolittle


About the Story

You have wandered into the Toyland factory which uses Model 1 type androids to do the design and manufacturing. As you may recall, the Model 1 is very helpful, but has some memory problems. Luckily, if you help them find the word they're trying to think of, they can usually think of a good suggestion for you to try.

Because the Model 2 is cheaper and lacks these problems, Model 1s are junked as soon as they show signs of wear. This is too bad, because an android would be a big help to you in your adventures. Perhaps you can find one to rescue. I've heard that the android named Andrea is nice.

This game was written by John H Doolittle in Turbo BASIC for PCs circa 1990 and used in his 'Scientific Thinking in Psychology' classes when he was a professor of psychology at California State University, Sacramento.

It was intended for a commercial release in 1992, but this didn't happen.

The author continued to update the game until 1996 and released the Turbo BASIC source code in 2023.

Game Details

Page Update History

v.2: 22-Mar-2024 05:36 - Keltena (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed series name, episode number, download links
  v.1: 22-Mar-2024 05:36 - Garry Francis
Created page