
Results for if art show
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Spring ting

3 games
The Spring ting was an ADRIFT competition. The submission deadline was April 1, 2009, 23:59 GMT. Only non-registered users of ADRIFT could submit games. The prize for the winner (and also, if there had been five or more entries, for the...

sub-Q Magazine Love Jam 2018

3 games; award date December 31, 2018
subQjam is a jam about making short interactive story games- fiction, art, or poetry that is enhanced by or can only be presented through interactivity. The subject for this jam is LOVE.

subQjam 2019

7 games; award date January 1, 2020
subQjam is an annual jam about making short interactive story games- fiction, art, or poetry that is enhanced by or can only be presented through interactivity. There's a limit of 1000 words of prose or 9 panels of sequential art. The...

Thanksgiving Speed-IF

6 games
A speed-IF! A veritable feast! Using the following inventory items, based on a list of photographed items from Grocible's book-in-progress: a top hat. a dragonfly*. a small crystal ball. two optical prisms. a water pistol. a magnifying...

The 8th Annual New Year's Interactive Fiction Event

2 games
The traditional New Year's Event celebrates the end of a year and the beginning of another with an informal game jam. There's no judging or scoring, only the pure joy of being creative. Write a game, story or make anything else following...

The Andromeda Legacy Competition

2 games; award date July 13, 2012
The Andromeda Legacy™: The Expansion of a Shrinking Universe First Annual IF Competition, Ed. 2012

The Emily Short Anniversary Contest

2 games; award date April 3, 2020
To honor the enormous amount of high quality games, criticism, resources and support that Short has given the community over the last two decades, we’re running a tribute competition. You have from now until March 24th of 2020 to create...

The penultimate not numbered Speed IF

11 games
Another good year for IF draws to a close. So it's time for another New Year's Speed! The motivation behind it is to offer people a chance at writing a small work of IF at the end of the year. Traditionally, the rules have been very...

The Top Five IF Games (Adventure Gamers, 2002)

10 games; award date September 23, 2002
A countdown of the best IF released between 1995 and 2002, intended to be useful to IF newcomers.

The ultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF

5 games
THE ULTIMATE NOT NUMBERED NEW YEAR'S SPEED IF (Yes, I do realize it has become more of a Minicomp. Deal with it.) For those unfamiliar with this, the motivation behind it is to offer people a chance at writing a small work of IF at the...

The Year of Adventure

2 games
2016 is the fortieth anniversary year of Crowther and Woods' original Adventure (also known as ADVENT, Colossal Cave, or Colossal Cave Adventure) – possibly the first work of computer interactive fiction. To commemorate this anniversary...

Twiny Jam

42 games; award date April 9, 2015
"Make a tiny Twine (300 words or less)!" There were 239 entrants total. Please feel free to add a few if you have the time...

Windhammer Prize 2015

1 game; award date November 21, 2015
"It is the intention of the Windhammer Prize to promote the gamebook genre, and in doing so deliver to readers new and original adventures that express the innovation and creativity that can be found in authors of interactive gamebook...
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