Nemesis Macana

by Herman Schudspeer profile and Victor Gijsbers profile


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From the Author

Today is an important day in the history of interactive fiction, for today is the day that I, Herman Schudspeer, release my first and probably last piece of IF: Nemesis Macana. It is not that I consider myself a great artist. It is that with Nemesis Macana, due to its subject matter and its message, interactive fiction takes a tentative but clear step towards its divine destiny. And so may you.

Saint Paul saw Jesus on the road to Damascus. Constantine witnessed the holy cross rising from the sun. This very day, you can see Nemesis Macana on the screen of your personal computer, and who knows what conversion may follow?

Yours in love and in abstinence,
Herman Schudspeer

Note: this rating is not included in the game's average.

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increpare, May 24, 2012 - Reply
Seems to be a layout rendering bug - don't know if it's in the proper version or just in parchment, but (firefox 12/osx 10.7) –
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