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Allison and the Cool New Spaceship Body

by Tempe O' Kun and Samuel Pipes profile

Part of Shipfolk
Science Fiction, Children's

Web Site

About the Story

Your name is Allison.

You're 10 years old and have a spaceship for a body.

When you were just a baby, you were in a really bad accident, so bad it almost killed you. To save you, doctors and an AI put your brain in a special machine that keeps you alive and lets you connect with computers. As you've grown up, your braincase has been plugged into better and better robot bodies. A few of the bodies were shaped like humans, but you like the ones that let you fly.

Game Details

Page Update History

  v.3: 01-Jan-2021 13:05 - Tempo (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed Web site URL
v.2: 07-Sep-2017 22:46 - Tempo
Changed cover art, series name, forgiveness, Web site URL, author
v.1: 25-Feb-2016 18:01 - verityvirtue
Created page