
Member since December 3, 2010
Last visited October 17, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): okb91dm6r21zs998

Interactive Fiction by clararaubertas

Wetlands, by Clara Raubertas (2011)
(8 ratings)
Wetlands is an interactive quagmire that leads you from the image of a fantastical city to a choice about the actual city's future, via a collection of mechanical puzzles in a watery setting.

A Shadow of Helpfulman, by Clara Raubertas (2011)
(2 ratings)

You play as Kevin, a graduate student. You share an office with two other graduates: Jim and Molly. Molly Malone is the most beautiful creature in the world. You'd love to ask her out but you're so...

Recommended Lists by clararaubertas

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Polls by clararaubertas

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Reviews by clararaubertas

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clararaubertas's Play Lists

Played Games

The Lost Islands of Alabaz, by Michael Gentry
The Promise, by Sean Huxter
Hallow Eve, by Michael Wayne Phipps Jr.
Bonehead, by Sean M. Shore
Broken Legs, by Sarah Morayati

See all 32 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Bureaucracy, by Douglas Adams, The Staff of Infocom
Leather Goddesses of Phobos, by Steve Meretzky
Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short
For a Change, by Dan Schmidt
A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Steve Meretzky

See all 14 entries in the Wish List