
Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada

Member since December 20, 2018
Last visited January 27, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): auz7j5hbo4nzegu6

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I'm totally blind and started playing IF when I was around 12, with games like Gourmet, A bear's Night Out, The Dreamhold, Adventure, Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, and Winter Wonderland, games that I believe had a formative impact on me as a person and totally enthralled me as a kid. Back then I was using a "braille note taker" but now that I've discovered interpreters like Winfrotz, Wingit, and HTML TADS that will work with my "screen reader" by use of an add-on, I'm replaying many of my favorites on my laptop now a decade later, and also finding some new favorites like Pogomon Go, Hunger Demon, coloratura, and Floatpoint, games I might have found boring or too hard as when I was younger, but can now better appreciate.
By that same token, I'm also finding new things in games I previously played, for instance many extras in The Dreamhold.

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Superfreq's Play Lists

Played Games

Winter Wonderland, by Laura Knauth
Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
Pogoman GO!, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
Blow Job Drifter, by Big Al
Dangerous Curves, by Irene Callaci

See all 9 entries in the Played List

Wish List

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"Not Interested" List

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