
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Member since March 17, 2020
Last visited January 9, 2021
Profile ID (TUID): 9i5jvyjb07crf3p6

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Musician and interactive fiction author.

My top albums:

Ulver - "Shadows of the Sun"
Sweet Trip - "Velocity Design Confort"
maudlin of the Well - "Part the Second"
Meshuggah - "Catch 33"
Aphex Twin - "Drukqs"

My top books:

Albert Camus - "The Stranger"
Italo Calvino - "Cosmicomics"
Jorge Luis Borges - "Fictions"
Paul Auster - "The Invention of Solitude"
James Joyce - "Ulysses"

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Interactive Fiction by nidstang68

Cómo Proteger Algo, by Diego Katabian (2020)
(1 rating)
'How to protect something', a pocket-sized instruction manual for robots and other non-humans. Following 9 basic rules, you will understand how to protect stuff, including humans, valuables and...

Recommended Lists by nidstang68

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Polls by nidstang68

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Reviews by nidstang68

111 cm. de aprendizaje, by Laura Baleztena   April 12, 2020
"Lo bueno si breve, dos veces bueno. Baleztena da a descubrir el ajetreado mundo de una persona con discapacidad. En el texto hay tanta..." - See the full review

nidstang68's Played Games List

111 cm. de aprendizaje, by Laura Baleztena