
Boston, MA

Member since January 18, 2014
Last visited January 3, 2019
Profile ID (TUID): 6vafvoqjz1f3o1r

I am an interested dabbler in IF, and sometimes attempt to create my own. In Twine, mostly.

Interactive Fiction by rosencrantz

The Fairy Woods, by rosencrantz (2014)
(15 ratings)
Someone dear to you has disappeared into the dangerous woods of the fairy realm, and you're already on your way to save them... The Fairy Woods is an interactive fiction created in Twine for no...

Digital Witnesses, by rosencrantz (2014)
(16 ratings)
You are on the run, but why? A short fiction created in twenty-three Twine passages, prompted by a challenge on

Silver & Gold, by rosencrantz (2015)
(12 ratings)
These things come in pairs... A sacrifice, a chase, a dark night in a dark city. Silver & Gold is a story told in two voices. Started for a challenge on Thanks to this Twinery forum...

Base of the Comet, by rosencrantz (2014)
(9 ratings)
Base of the Comet is an interactive story about Cal Yeasin, space scientist. There will be monsters. There are sideways paths and detours where you can learn more about Cal or explore a few more...

Inheritance, by rosencrantz (2014)
(8 ratings)
If you inherited a ring and discovered that it made invisible portals turn visible, would you walk through? Yulia would. Tiny exploration of a portal concept, with multiple endings. Originally...

Recommended Lists by rosencrantz

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Polls by rosencrantz

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Reviews by rosencrantz

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rosencrantz's Play Lists

Played Games

climbing 208 feet up the ruin wall, by Porpentine
their angelical understanding, by Porpentine
the uncle who works for nintendo, by michael lutz
Hypnagogue, by Mitch Alexander
howling dogs, by Porpentine

See all 7 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
The Sixth Sleep, by Sloane Leong
Piece of Mind, by Giles Boutel
The Axolotl Project, by Samantha Vick
Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short

See all 15 entries in the Wish List

rosencrantz's Club Memberships