For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible NPCs of 2013 - an IFDB Poll

by Sam Kabo Ashwell
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This poll is a place to suggest non-player characters from games released in 2013, who you think might be worth considering for Best Individual NPC in the XYZZY Awards. Leave the name (or namelessness) of the NPC (or NPCs) in the comment on your vote.

This is not a zeroth-round nomination. The category will still be text-entry, and games not mentioned here will remain eligible. The point of poll is partly to suggest games that others might want to check out, partly as your own reminder for when XYZZY season comes around.

This isn't intended as a straw poll; please don't upvote games already on the list, unless you want to add another name in comments. And mention every NPC that you think deserves consideration, not just your one favourite.

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Ill Wind, by Marshal Tenner Winter
3 votes
"The foul-mouthed cabbie." [+]"The foul-mouthed cabbie." ( - Full review) --Mostly Useless... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --monkeyboy... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Jason Lautzenheiser...

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Horse Master, by Tom McHenry
2 votes
"Your horse" [+]"Your horse" --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sdn...

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Final Girl, by Hanon Ondricek
1 vote
"The Movie Critic" [+]"The Movie Critic: Yes, it's my game. I had a great time trashing my own plot." --Hanon Ondricek...

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Akabane Nights, by Dobromir Harrison
1 vote
"Sayaka" [+]"Sayaka" --Molly...

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Boogle, by Buster Hudson
1 vote
"The titular Google parody" [+]"The titular Google parody" --Molly...

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Captain Verdeterre's Plunder, by Ryan Veeder
1 vote
"Captain Verdeterre" [+]"Captain Verdeterre" () --Edward Lacey...

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Robin & Orchid, by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim
1 vote
"Casey" [+]"Casey" () --Anya Johanna DeNiro...

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Save the Date, by Chris Cornell
1 vote
"Felicia" [+]"Felicia" --sushabye...

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Solarium, by Anya Johanna DeNiro
1 vote
"Annelise." [+]"Annelise." () --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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The House at the End of Rosewood Street, by Michael Thomét
1 vote
"Caius Smythe" [+]"Caius Smythe" () --Edward Lacey...

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Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
1 vote
"Mercy." [+]"Mercy." () --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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The Abyss, by dacharya64
1 vote
"'It'/the antagonist" [+]"'It'/the antagonist" --dacharya64...

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Bell Park, Youth Detective, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
1 vote
"-bitmap-zer0-, or Miles Carnarvon" [+]"-bitmap-zer0-, or Miles Carnarvon" () --Edward Lacey...

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Briar, by Hanon Ondricek
1 vote
"The Shrub" [+]"The Shrub: The Shrub is a multi-faceted, clever creature who has a very complicated relationship with both the hero and itself. And it has some very amusing dialogue." ( - Full review) --forgepoet...

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Witch's Girl, by Geoff Moore
1 vote
"Esme." [+]"Esme." ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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their angelical understanding, by Porpentine
1 vote
"Your old friend" [+]"Your old friend" --Molly...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):