All the Pretty Sources - an IFDB Poll

by Jeremy Freese
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IF games that have source code available that you'd hold up as an example of what good looking source code is supposed to look like. (I was motivated to post this by wanting to study some I7 source, but actually pretty source from other platforms would provide a nice comparison.)

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Teaspoon, March 27, 2016 - Reply
This looks useful. Thank you.
Ghalev, December 21, 2012 - Reply
I literally do not understand the concept of "pretty" or "good looking" source code. That said, the source code for many of these games has proven very helpful (I totally understand the concept of "helpful" source code) so thank you for this poll :)
Jeremy Freese, December 23, 2012 - Reply
Fair enough. I think we're after the same thing (helpful code); I was just making a play on words with the title of a Cormac McCarthy novel.
Ghalev, December 24, 2012 - Reply
Oh, absolutely. Not at all meant as criticism; I just took it for one of those things that, as a non-programmer, I might just lack the perspective to properly understand :)
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