Fun Halloween Games! - an IFDB Poll

by bluevelvetwings
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There are already polls for good horror games, and there are quite a few good ones on this site. But I'm looking for ones that fit the side of "spooky" but not "terrifying" - things that make you giggle nervously at the scares, but don't keep you up at night.

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Hallowmoor, by Mike Snyder
2 votes
"Has some scary stuff, but nothing too heavy." [+]"Has some scary stuff, but nothing too heavy." () --Molly...

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Faithful Companion, by Matt Weiner
2 votes
"More 'goofy' than 'scary', really." [+]"More 'goofy' than 'scary', really." () --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
2 votes
"It's a great horror game. But it won't really scare you. " [+]"It's a great horror game. But it won't really scare you. " () --BlitzWithGuns... (No comment) [+](No comment) --akaisha0...

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Dial C for Cupcakes, by Ryan Veeder
2 votes
"Light-hearted, quick, and funny!" [+]"Light-hearted, quick, and funny!: This isn't really scary at all, but the poll creator's comment indicates that the emphasis is on the Halloween theme, not the horror, and this definitely fits the bill." ( - Full review) --OtisTDog... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Transilvania Corruption, by Kambre, Delavader, Lord Kanington
1 vote
"Comedy Horror" [+]"Comedy Horror: This Spanish Language comedy horror is mostly cute and silly. It becomes, at worst, eerie from time to time." () --IFforL2...

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The Witch's Apprentice, by Garry Francis
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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A Ghost Story, by Nils Fagerburg
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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ZombieDating.zom, by Mike Snyder
1 vote
"Good for a couple of laughs, if you can stand zombies" [+]"Good for a couple of laughs, if you can stand zombies" () --Molly...

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The Night of the Vampire Bunnies, by Jason Dyer
1 vote
"Good for a Halloween party setting" [+]"Good for a Halloween party setting: I had previously voted for Anchorhead, but the poll description seems to have changed to exclude stories that would keep you up at night." --mjhayes...

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Electric word, "life", by Lance Nathan
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Crocodracula: The Beginning, by Ryan Veeder and Harrison Gerard
1 vote
"A girl discovers scales on her arm and decides to investigate the town's local legend Crocodracula." [+]"A girl discovers scales on her arm and decides to investigate the town's local legend Crocodracula.: A game where you explore a town and investigate strange supernatural goings on. The feel is kinda like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Scooby Doo." ( - Full review) --KatherineTheCurst...

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