News Item Update History

This is a history of updates to the news item "Update 1.2 released! Patch notes", originally posted by Alyssa Barstow on June 20, 2014 9:43 PM. (This item is for Tale of the Starweavers, by Angelique Vordan.)

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Update 1.2 released! Patch notes
Posted by Alyssa Barstow, June 20, 2014 9:43 PM - Edit
Newest additions and fixes:
*Expanded warrior storyline
*Added a soundtrack of sorts
*Dictionary of terms on start page
*Fixed some bugs with the inventory and certain variables
*Cleaned up a few typos
*Over 50 playable passages now!

Coming in the 1.3 update!~
*More images and music
*Expanded sorcerer and warrior storylines
*Beginning of rogue storyline
*Google drive with all the related game downloads in different formats

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