News Item Update History

This is a history of updates to the news item "", originally posted by Alyssa Barstow on June 18, 2014 2:18 PM. (This item is for Tale of the Starweavers, by Angelique Vordan.)

Deleted by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 4:31 PM
This entry records that the entire article has been deleted.

Inventory added! (part of update 1.1 to be released in the evening 6/18/14)
Edited by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 2:32 PM - Reinstate
Added an inventory function, although it's slightly wonky. You'll see when you get there. It may be easier to keep track of inventory on paper and just use this function to double check. But here it is anyways.

Inventory added! (part of update 1.1 to be released late afternoon 6/18/14)
Posted by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 2:18 PM - Reinstate
Added an inventory function, although it's slightly wonky. You'll see when you get there. It may be easier to keep track of inventory on paper and just use this function to double check. But here it is anyways.

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