News Item Update History

This is a history of updates to the news item "Update 1.1 to be released evening 6/18/14!", originally posted by Alyssa Barstow on June 18, 2014 2:20 PM. (This item is for Tale of the Starweavers, by Angelique Vordan.)

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Update 1.1 to be released evening 6/18/14!
Edited by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 2:32 PM - Edit
*About 15 branches added in various sections. Mainly warrior path expanded, did a tiny bit of work on the sorcerer branches.

*New inventory function!

*Coin conversions made clearer

*Fixed a few passages that didn't have 'Display stats' function

*Added 'Display Inventory' option to all passages

Update 1.1 to be released late afternoon 6/18/14!
Edited by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 2:23 PM - Reinstate
*About 15 branches added in various sections. Mainly warrior path expanded, did a tiny bit of work on the sorcerer branches.

*New inventory function!

*Coin conversions made clearer

*Fixed a few passages that didn't have 'Display stats' function

*Added 'Display Inventory' option to all passages

Update 1.1 to be released late afternoon 6/18/14!
Posted by Alyssa Barstow, June 18, 2014 2:20 PM - Reinstate
*About 10 branches added in various sections. Mainly warrior path expanded, did a tiny bit of work on the sorcerer branches.

*New inventory function!

*Coin conversions made clearer

*Fixed a few passages that didn't have 'Display stats' function

*Added 'Display Inventory' option to all passages

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