Mystery House Possessed

by Emily Short profile

Part of Mystery House Taken Over

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Number of Reviews: 2
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From the Author

An ambitious but seriously flawed experiment with NPC behavior, using a primitive early version of Inform 7. It's mostly interesting (if in fact it's interesting at all) for technical reasons: the other characters wander around the house, looking under things and destroying objects in their quest for the family jewels, while one of them systematically commits murders and leaves clues behind. Because of the amount of randomization involved, not all playthroughs are equally fair.

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BladeL, May 11, 2009 - Reply
Great script work, but murders's AI has flaws: (Spoiler - click to show) he can kill a person as soon as I get out from the room (seing them together just before attack) and there are no visible ways to stop murders without wrenching his head, f.e. convince others in his guilt.

But that's the quest we all need, something like "Last Express", but with free-willed bots.
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