
by Jeremy Freese profile

Romance, Slice of life, Collegiate

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Great game, annoying narrarator., December 23, 2023

This game is wonderfully made. The reason I didn't give it five stars was due to me finding the narrative voice annoying. Some people might appreciate the humor, but it's not my cup of tea.
Besides that, the puzzles are excellent. The story is fun and pretty relatable. I didn't ever end up getting stuck for long, but the game was engaging throughout. I never felt bored with it.

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1 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Great Game, Sad Game, December 17, 2023

This shit is so sad bro I felt genuine fucking grief in this game😭😭

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Highly creative and humorous, September 19, 2023

A super-fun, single-room, relatively short story filled with creative humor and a strong character development (reveal?) that warms your heart. Puzzles are not too difficult with the enjoyment being primarily in reading the flow of descriptive events.

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good job!, June 30, 2023

I liked this story a lot! I have to say that the main character seriously needs some ADHD medication though; I was like that until I got my prescription

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A difficult but rewarding one-room puzzler, February 18, 2022
by cgasquid (west of house)

you are a college student (male by default, though it switches to female if you type (Spoiler - click to show)HETERONORMATIVITY OFF, something i'd give my left arm to be able to do in real life). you've been making practically no progress on your paper because you keep allowing yourself to be distracted, and your girlfriend is fed up with you. now you have an ultimatum: write 1,000 words by the deadline or she's leaving you forever.

as a point of stark realism, your college dorm room turns out to be a horrible place to study. there's no quiet, you're surrounded by minor irritants, and there's a MAJOR irritant who i'd think was trying to sabotage your relationship if there was any way she could know about the ultimatum.

in a very clever design choice, rather than being personality-free (or pointlessly sarcastic like the default library), the parser's voice is what you imagine your girlfriend would be saying if she was watching your situation right at that moment. it gives her a lot of character, and goes a long way towards redeeming her in my eyes (really, it's not fair to issue an ultimatum about something the protagonist can't really help).

that said, i did not even come close to completing the story without hints.

the puzzles in Violet are eminently logical, but still entirely brutal and require a ton of experimentation. so many things are happening at once that it can distract the player, as your problems aren't kindly enough to line up one at a time. the few means you have to fight back are counterintuitive and in some cases plain ornery (e.g., (Spoiler - click to show)the bizarre way you operate the radio).

but "it's hard" doesn't equate to "it's bad." we need IF for all levels of player skill and creativity. the only reason i don't refer to this as a hidden gem is that it's not at all hidden -- it's extremely well-known.

probably also says something that i was feeling depressed after writing a few negative reviews in a row, i wanted to review something good, and i came here ...

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Violet- A great introduction to IF. , December 9, 2020

As someone fairly new to IF, and even newer to this community, this is my first review. I believe Violet is quite a wonderful game, with many *easter eggs* so to speak. It was a fairly simple game, that took me about half a day to complete and look through all the special codes that the game gave me after completing it.
All in all, Violet has a simple plot: Your Australian girlfriend is going to leave you and go home as she has already bought plane tickets UNLESS you write 1000 words of your (quite frankly BORING novel). The puzzles are moderately complex, and the solutions are not the brightest or the most intricate, but Violet was an amusing game that passed the time and I enjoyed it. (Spoiler - click to show) Sometimes I tried to shoot things using the rubber to get to the pen, and I did it once, but the game bugged out and did not drop the pen. I also spent quite a long time trying to get the purple string from the vent, but once grabbing it, I did not know what to do with it and so that was a futile task.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Great story and gameplay, March 29, 2019

This is definitely one of those games I'd put in the "cute but occasionally frustrating" category. Basically, the game is one very large and intricate puzzle, but as things start to make sense, you are definitely rewarded for your lateral thinking skills. The story itself is simple but effective, and the game is occasionally very funny.

I won't put any spoilers, but I'd like to encourage anyone who starts this to put the effort into finishing it--I found it quite rewarding.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A cute story, July 21, 2018
by ialessan
Related reviews: beginner

This is one of the few games I've replayed for the fun of it. It's sweet and funny (especially the nicknames) and I couldn't recommend it more. The hints are just enough for the beginner (my first playthrough) and the clueless (my second playthrough).

Also props for gender choice. It was a nice touch.

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3 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
Annoying, beyond all else, July 7, 2017

At first I was determined to solve the odd puzzles/problems that arouse, but the melodramatic girlfriend's narration, irritating plot line, and ridiculously --SQUIRREL!!-- distracted PC annoyed the patience right out of me. I have no desire to replay or even finish the first play-through.

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1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
a great little game with a unique narrator, April 7, 2016

one of the most original "escape the room"-type games i've ever played - i can only assume the premise came to the author in a "stroke-of-genius" type situation. the puzzles are clever, and the game is charming, occasionally sad, and overall a pleasure.

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