
Ourense, Spain

Member since November 22, 2016
Last visited December 13, 2016
Profile ID (TUID): p6otq9o55vgrvcr5

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Playing and writing interactive fiction since I was a boy, with more energy and illusion than fortune back then.

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Interactive Fiction by baltasarq

Marco Polo, by Baltasar el arquero (2010)
(2 ratings)

Marco Polo retorna de su viaje a oriente, siendo portador de una importante misiva del Khan en persona para el Duce de Venecia.

Cacahuetes, Sal y Aceite, by José Baltasar García Perez-Schofield (2000)
(1 rating)

Asalto y Castigo, by Baltasar el Arquero (2009)

Aluzine, by José Baltasar García Perez-Schofield (2003)

El Anillo Regente, by José Baltasar García Perez-Schofield (2002)

See all 12 games by baltasarq

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Reviews by baltasarq

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baltasarq's Play Lists

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Detectiveland, by Robin Johnson

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