
Member since April 4, 2017
Last visited August 9, 2017
Profile ID (TUID): 8m3dj0w2v8eu8qd7

I tend to prefer IF where the choices are clearly delineated as opposed to having to type in words (Twine engine has a good number of these, of course). I imagine this is because I feel decisions require more detail than a single word command.

For the past five years, a friend and I have been trying to make a new type of system which is personality-based instead of morality-based. It's a lot of work, but also very rewarding.

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Chaos_Is_Harmony's Play Lists

Played Games

Conscientia - The Book of Eidos, by Bruce Burns and Eliot Corley
Galatea, by Emily Short
Detectiveland, by Robin Johnson
Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
To The Wolves, by Els White

See all 6 entries in the Played List

Wish List

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"Not Interested" List

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