News Item Update History

This is a history of updates to the news item "Hopefully last version", originally posted by Ruber Eaglenest on May 1, 2018 1:54 PM. (This item is for Tuuli, by Daurmith and Ruber Eaglenest.)

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Hopefully last version
Posted by Ruber Eaglenest, May 1, 2018 1:54 PM - Edit
So, after six more months of work, I think we have the almost definitive version of Tuuli.

We hope to finish it before the start of the xyzzy awards, but unfortunately, the date came and the first round for voting the nominees for the most important "Oscars kind" awards of Interactive Fiction is open now, so we had to hurry and release it RIGHT NOW!

So, it is probably that there are still some errata and bugs, so if you find something, please contact us. But the game should be "feature complete", and more than better, free of the "design problems" that harmed the IF Comp release, the past September of 2017.

Also, the zblorb files for English and Spanish versions are recently uploaded to If Archive, but those files are "pending", so for playing the improved version, please use the itchio "international edition".

So, please, enjoy the world of Tuuli.


Ruber Eaglenest.

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